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The term producer is synonymous with creator, maker, artist, author, etc. Also note that a producer need not be an individual person - it can be a group of people, an organisation, a company, etc.

Field nameDescriptionExample(s)
Display nameThis field allows you to control exactly how the producer's name appears. By using both the Identity / surname and Sub-identity / first name fields you can store the producer's name for retrieval.William Kentridge;
Johnson and Sons Ltd.;
Unknown, Zulu
Identity / surnameThe identity or surname of the producer(s). This could be a person's surname, group name, organisational name, company name, etc.Kentridge; Johnson and Sons Ltd.;
Sub-identity / first name(s)Enter the first name in this field or some other kind of identification if the producer(s) is unknown.William;
Producer titleTitle pertaining to the producerMr;
Producer aliasOther name(s) which the producer or producers are knownSam (Samual);
Tom (Thomas)
General dateEnter the relevant date(s) of the producer such as birth and death, or when a company started, etc. Use any date terminology but standardisation is advised for later retrieval.1900-1968;
Early 20thC
Day/month birthFull day and month of the birth of the producer10 January;
30 December
Year birthFull year of the birth of the producer1950;
Place birthPlace where the producer was born (city, province/district and country)Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa;
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Day/month deathFull day and month of the death of the producer10 January;
30 December
Year deathFull year of the death of the producer1950;
Place deathPlace where the producer died (city, province/district and country)Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa;
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
CountryCountry associated with the producer(s).South Africa;
ContinentContinent associated with the producer(s).Africa;
NationalityNationality associated with the producer(s).South African;
GenderThe producer's gender, if known and if applicable.Male;
AbstractBrief abstract or profile pertaining to the producer(s)Any information can be entered here
Solo exhibitionsSolo exhibitions featuring the producer(s)1990: 'Sipho Kumalo's Retrospective', South African National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa (this is a fictitious exhibition)
Group exhibitionsGroup exhibitions featuring the producer(s)1990: 'Contemporary KwaZulu Natal Artists', Tatham Art Gallery, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (this is a fictitious exhibition)
EducationEducation pertaining to the producer1995: MA Cultural Studies, University of Natal, Durban;
Self taught;
1966-1968: trained by group elders
AwardsAwards given to the producer(s)1995: South African Cultural Studies Award (this is a fictitious award)
CollectionsMuseums, Galleries, Centres, etc. that acquired items made by the producer(s)Robben Island Museum;
South African National Gallery
CommissionsCommissions received by the producer(s)1998: Standard Bank of South Africa
1957: South African Cultural History Museum
NotesAny general notes related to the producer(s).Any information can be entered

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